I have always hated the "when it rains, it pours" cliche but right now I'm all wet with no where to shelter to run and hide.
I'm underpaid working for manipulative, self-absorbed family while doing a job I hate that stifles my creative talents with family life consisting of a blossoming bridezilla who was previously my baby sister, a mentally unstable mother with a penchant for unloading her cart of emotional baggage on my cell phone-riddled ear and a princess-in-training niece on the way (as I type) whose soon-to-be mother, aka my middle sister, will have the perfect husband/finances/body/home pending completion of this child bearing episode.
And don't get me started on my wishing-he-never-had-children, I-don't-understand-women, you-can-do-anything-but-don't-ask-me-for-help father.
I'm underpaid working for manipulative, self-absorbed family while doing a job I hate that stifles my creative talents with family life consisting of a blossoming bridezilla who was previously my baby sister, a mentally unstable mother with a penchant for unloading her cart of emotional baggage on my cell phone-riddled ear and a princess-in-training niece on the way (as I type) whose soon-to-be mother, aka my middle sister, will have the perfect husband/finances/body/home pending completion of this child bearing episode.
And don't get me started on my wishing-he-never-had-children, I-don't-understand-women, you-can-do-anything-but-don't-ask-me-for-help father.
Not that I'm feeling sorry for myself. But a venting was in order.