03 December 2008

"As Seen On"

After reading this paragraph this morning on Gambit Weekly's BestofNewOrleans.com, I scanned over it again. Not for understaing, but for awe. It's the most well-written, concise paragraph I've seen in a while ...

"Since 1976, Sonoma State University has released an annual survey of the top 25 stories the mainstream media failed to report or reported poorly. Culled from worldwide alternative news sources, vetted by students and faculty and ranked by judges, the stories were not necessarily overtly censored. But their controversial subjects, challenges to the status quo, or general under-the-radar subject matter may have kept them from the front pages. Project Censored recounts them, accompanied by media analysis, in a book of the same name published annually by Seven Stories Press."

Here's to hoping this blog develops my skill to that degree.

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