So I've begun the perennial search for any New one of the following-
1) job/office
2) degree
3) income source
4) winning lotto number(s)
There's a raging mental tug-of-war between my ears to MAKE LOTS OF MONEY and FOLLOW YOUR HEART and while I believe both are doable, there's nothing tugging on me in the short-term.
Because I can't focus on one ... digging in and setting up shop on whatever path I choose ... I'm conflicted by the options of them all. Too many decisions to make that one isn't made at all.
I have no children and no one else whose life or credit I would damage by going out on a limb. My mortgage looms large but - in this world of bailouts and concessions to multi-million dollar industries - who is going to hold it against me?
What to do ... ?
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